Does an IRA Become Joint Property?
During our divorce workshops each month, we receive a lot of questions about IRAs and 401(k) accounts. For example, one attendee recently asked “does an IRA become joint property?”
During our divorce workshops each month, we receive a lot of questions about IRAs and 401(k) accounts. For example, one attendee recently asked “does an IRA become joint property?”
For children, seeing their parents live separately is hard enough. But if one parent moves to a new city or state, that separation feels even worse.
Divorce brings up a lot of questions about child support and child custody, and not just for parents. Grandparents may also be involved and want to know more about the changes divorce brings.
If you have inherited a large sum of money from a relative or friend, you might feel even more concerned about the division: will you have to share that inheritance with your soon-to-be-ex spouse? Whether you have to split that money depends on a few things.
The long-term conflict of divorce can cause stress in children, not to mention anger, anxiety, confusion, guilt, fear, and more. Even if your children come to realize it was the best decision, how do you help and protect children through the transition?
If you and your partner have decided to divorce, it’s possible he or she is hiding assets. If you feel something is amiss, here are signs your partner is hiding assets.
s you and your partner divorce, you’ll be dividing up debts and assets. Retirement assets usually cause the most confusion.
Letting go of someone you have loved for a long time is difficult, and you may have many reasons to stay together. Many people find themselves second-guessing the decision to divorce after the fact.
For partners with children, child custody is one of the most important parts of divorce. Here is a rundown of some important aspects of child custody.
Women who have stayed at home for the past several years are often concerned about their futures. But unemployed women may not be able to rely on alimony for support.