What Steps Do I Need to Take to Keep My Children Top Priority During Divorce?
Divorce is extremely stressful and can take a toll on you as an individual, but more importantly, it can take a toll on your children.
Divorce is extremely stressful and can take a toll on you as an individual, but more importantly, it can take a toll on your children.
In some cases, one partner may remain there, though that usually means buying the other one out. Many couples choose to sell the home instead.
In divorce, many people have questions about how the separation will impact their ability to receive survivor benefits, like pensions and Social Security.
In many cases, the decision to divorce is one-sided. Sometimes partners will refuse to talk, causing the process to become long and stressful.
In North Carolina, there is no presumption determining physical custody. Courts will often look at the “best interest” of the child.
Divorce is different for everyone because each person has his or her own life challenges. In some cases, doing what’s best for you conflicts with what’s best for your partner. And when getting a divorce, if your partner is living with a disability, you may bear the burden of deciding what happens with the future of their care.
Finances are one of the most significant concerns for most people when they divorce. If you and your partner can work out how to divide your money on your own, you’ll probably both feel far better about the result than if you go to court.
While you are separated, many people find it helpful to create a separation agreement. While not legally required, a separation agreement can settle some aspects of divorce during the period before the divorce is final.
As a divorced parent with children seeking a higher education, you may have concerns regarding who will be funding and how to save for your child’s tuition.
Although your the end of your marriage may feel like your life is over, you might see it as a new beginning. Whether you wanted to divorce or not, this change can be an opportunity to reinvent yourself. However, if you feel like you don’t know where to begin, try cleaning! Cleaning is a way to cleanse your life, out with the old, in with the new.