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Three Things You Didn’t Know About Divorce And How to Moderate Them

You may remember reading those articles about marriage and the importance of discussing children, finances and other big topics before tying the knot. Untying the knot is no different. Embarking on divorce is a challenging process, full of legal loopholes, financial questions, and emotional turmoil. At Second Saturday Wake County workshops, we talk with men…

Organize: Make Room to Begin Your New Chapter after Divorce

Organize: Make Room to Begin Your New Chapter after Divorce

Although your the end of your marriage may feel like your life is over, you might see it as a new beginning. Whether you wanted to divorce or not, this change can be an opportunity to reinvent yourself. However, if you feel like you don’t know where to begin, try cleaning! Cleaning is a way to cleanse your life, out with the old, in with the new.