5 Tips for Managing the Stress of Divorce
The stress of divorce is unique, one of those situations you cannot fully understand until you’ve lived through it.
The stress of divorce is unique, one of those situations you cannot fully understand until you’ve lived through it.
In the relationship that is ending, bills were paid, repairs to car and home were scheduled, retirement accounts were (hopefully) created, and important information was filed (by paper or electronically). After a divorce, you have to find a way to organize all the new information along with the old.
Making the decision to get a divorce is often a process, a slow march toward the moment when one or both of you decides the marriage is not working.
For children, seeing their parents live separately is hard enough. But if one parent moves to a new city or state, that separation feels even worse.
The long-term conflict of divorce can cause stress in children, not to mention anger, anxiety, confusion, guilt, fear, and more. Even if your children come to realize it was the best decision, how do you help and protect children through the transition?
Letting go of someone you have loved for a long time is difficult, and you may have many reasons to stay together. Many people find themselves second-guessing the decision to divorce after the fact.
The circular shape of a wedding ring represents forever. But when “forever” ends a little sooner than expected, what do you do with your wedding ring(s)?
Therapy can help you work through the feelings and find a new perspective, so it’s often advisable to speak to a therapist following divorce — even if you are the one requesting the split.
“How do I find new direction in my life” is a frequent question at our Raleigh divorce workshop. Even those who initiated the split from their partner find themselves wondering where to go from here.
There are no rules for how to break news of your divorce to people. A lot of it depends on your situation and how comfortable you are telling people. Here are some guidelines to help you get started.