How to Make Your Divorce More Expensive
Divorce can be expensive, but just like your wedding you can spend a little — or a lot. “How much does divorce cost” is a common question at our monthly divorce workshop, and the answer isn’t what you want to hear: it depends.
Filing an Absolute Divorce action in North Carolina costs $75, but that’s only a court fee. Divorces include lawyers and other fees as well.
The most inexpensive divorces are generally the most easy. An inexpensive divorce is one in which both parties agree it’s time to part, decide on their own who gets what, and when the children will spend time with whom.

Want to set a record for most expensive divorce in North Carolina? Print this list and check them off as you go:
- Refuse to accept anything until your attorney agrees you should, even if it’s something you feel very comfortable with.
- Continue to fight for what’s “fair,” even if you know it’s not.
- Require that your ex check with you about every single parenting decision.
- Withhold information from your attorney, your spouse, and his/her attorney.
- Demand all verbal agreements made during the marriage are upheld.
- Hire a child custody evaluator.
- Assume your spouse is hiding money from you and hire experts to find it all.
- Have your ex undergo a vocational evaluation, the results of which (you hope) allow you to spend less money in child and spousal support.
- Refuse to accept anything other than what you have in your head based on an article, calculator, or a family member’s divorce.
Divorce isn’t always going to be amicable, but avoiding a huge battle means avoiding huge costs.
Aside from the actual fiscal cost of getting a divorce, it’s going to cost more to run two separate households after divorce. Are you ready? Check out our previous blog posts for advice on handling your financial future after divorce.